since my exams are over and I have nothing to do so i will post my updates.
loads of things happened during the last 3 months
1) our taylor's model hunt was on 20th March! and it went through really good (from my prospective)!
most of was aired in Malaysian national channel TV1 !!! its kinda like a big thing for us!
2) after the model hunt i have read 4 1 week! kool right?!!! i have to finish within one week because had assignments to do later. it was the twilight saga!!!
Review of the books from my point of view:

Since this is the first romantic novel I ever willingly read (I'm more of a thriller/mystery reader), the "Twilight" was quite good. I usually can imagine the characters through the description provided and i imagined Edward Cullen as a major hot hotty! lol! and he is one of the main reason for me reading the rest of the books in the series. 2nd reason- i usually like to complete series unless they are really unbearable!
My favourite quote (like everyone else): "You are exactly my brand of heroin"--Edward
the 2nd one was soooo not good! Edward left and Bella was horrible. Seriously (no offense Ms. Meyer) have u ever seen a girl like Bella! or ur kinda like her or what!? I dont believe a person can be that dimwit and a scaredy cat like Bella. she forgets to breath when Edward is near her! I know Meyer was trying to prove how Bella would get mesmerized with Edward's look (and i know he is hot) couldn't you think of anything better! and she gets scared with the slightest touch or noise!! damn she is one hell of an annoying character (after Edward leaves)!
Are we girls that weak?!
My favourite quote (like everyone else): "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."--Edward
the 3rd book was much better! the fun part was Bella being confused over Edward and Jacob!! and the best part (for me) was the fight. Though it was not that descriptive but still it works for me!
to me it was the worst of them all! Bella gets pregnant with a vampire (major weird)! Jacob imprints on the vampire-human kid (i had a bad feeling Jacob would end like that)! They did not fight in the end (sad! i expected some action because of the way they were preparing for the battle)! and it was soooo much movie like...i wonder what movie she watched for creating the battle and the training scenes!!
dissapointment :(
My favourite quote : "“You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?” I screeched." -- Bella
laughed like hell on that quote!
3) my obsession with sketching has given birth to few sketches...
one of them is Edward cullen's (drew it after reading the 1st book and watching the its more of a robert pattinson sketch)

2nd one is Inuyasha's eye!! i love his eyes!!whiteeeee!

3rd and 4th ...i just drew before the 2nd last exam our of sheer joy and excitement that i dont have to study tax anymore!! tell me the meaning of the 4th one!! i showed to everyone at my house and they each have different opinions...but they didnt get my motive of drawing it!

thats it for today....i need to pack my stuff..going for holidayss!!!wepeeee!